Thursday, September 03, 2009


I guess it is time for my annual blog posting. Updates....hmm, let's see.

I have recently graduated from SCAD with a Master of Architecture degree. However the diploma for said degree is being withheld until I turn in my thesis book. Guess they really want the proof that my life sucked over the last few quarters.

I moved from Savannah this last weekend, back to Pace, Florida where I grew up. I will miss Savannah greatly, but will probably miss the people I met there more. College was the last item on my preconceived list of accomplishments that I must do to have a 'good life'. Oh, the mind of a high school kid...I sometimes wish I could return to high school and tell myself not to worry about lists, and to just do whatever you want. Pace is a nice place to sit and think, primarily because there is not much else to do here, but perhaps I am not looking in the right places.

It is a peculiar feeling returning home after so long away. I have visited plenty, and this move still feels like a visit, so I am beginning to fear the realization that I am nearing thirty and living with my parents. All the more incentive to complete the tasks I must do here and move on. I have a quite lengthy to-do list hanging on my wall next to me, just in case I wake up one day guilt-free. By the looks of the list, I could be here for a while. As lists often do, I intend for it to change as time passes, however if it stays the course it could take a good six months to a year to complete. I have a few urgent tasks, namely that damn thesis book, followed by a website, and of course finding a job, but I also have a few 'wants' added in the form of materialistic purchases that I feel necessary to move on with my life in the direction I want. (ha, typing 'I want' only makes me realize I don't need them, ah! why with the self-inflicted guilt?). Again, with these preconceived lists and wants, but I guess that is what people call dreams. I don't know. I don't know what the future holds, but I hope I can let go of some of these lists and just live freely. (perfect timing, Tom Petty.)

If you are down this way, let me know. Rowdy and I could probably use a break from sitting on the back porch reading and writing. That will do for now I suppose.

à bientôt!

p.s. I will be trying to update and maintain this blog a bit more. Be sure to look at some of my friends blogs as well. They are very talented artists and designers that need jobs and people to pay them money to live. So hire them. Peace.

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