Well, the countdown is over. I finished up last Friday at the office, packed my box full of my belongings, and headed home. We spent some 'Goodbye Cake time' that afternoon. That was nice of them. When asked if anyone had something they would like to say about me and my time at SFI, everyone politely continued chewing their ice cream cake. I probably didn't want to hear what they had to say anyway. Yet, I was still forced to tell them how I felt about my time there. If only I could have told them what I really thought of them, but since they didn't feel like sharing how they felt, I kept mine in as well.
I have had a very good time while living here in Atlanta. I have grown a lot while here, learning a lot of things about life, about the field of Architecture, and about how things work in the business world. Some of it I didn't like at all, but I am hoping that experiencing those things will only make me a better person. The next time similar situations arise, I will know how to handle them. Hopefully. The city is a very cool place to live. There is always something to do. Unfortunately, that makes life very stressful, distracted, and tiring. I feel like I have aged 10 years while living here for only 5 years. The fast paced life is fun, but it takes a lot out of you. I am looking forward to a slower, smaller town.
I had great intentions of packing my crap up and moving ASAP to FL, preferably Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of this week. It is now Thursday. I don't know why my laziness kicked in. Usually my adrenaline to get out of town puts me right on track, but not this time for some reason. I have definitely been living a life of Saturdays. Waking up at 11:30, turning on
The Price Is Right, and eating my recommended daily allowance of strawberry pop-tarts. Packing has been slow-going. I am shocked by my lack of interest to leave town. Why can't I move faster? If I had made a definite plan before all of this free time appeared, then maybe I would be in FL right now. Stupid brain.
As of right now, my half-assed plan is to pick up a trailer from U-haul tomorrow, fill it up tomorrow, and shove off Saturday morning. I believe the parents will be coming up Saturday to help, and to drive my Wrangler home. Speaking of half-assed jobs, I was trying to sell the Wrangler before I had to move. I don't really want to sell it, since it will be like selling your own child, but the newer Cherokee is far more reliable, and I could really use the money. I wish there was some other way, but time is running out, so that's how it's going to be. I will probably regret selling the Jeep, but I'll just have to live without it.
School starts in about 10 days. I am nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. I think once I am in town, all moved in, I will feel better. However, my body insists on being stressed out between now and then. I suppose it's time to do some more packing....