Saturday, October 09, 2010

new toy

Received a new toy for my birthday; a Garmin Forerunner 110.  I have been known to love a little statistical analysis every now and again (or always), and my $10 Target watch disappeared mysteriously from the top of the Jeep.  I know I left it there.

This Garmin is the entry-level device of their GPS wrist watch line, but its functions are more than enough for me right now; tracking HR, calories, pace, time, and of course, location.  All the others seems a bit too bulky, with minimal trade-off in my opinion.  Once I get more into biking (and actually start swimming) I may need more, but I will cross that bridge when it arrives.

I feel a hint of freedom now.  Before I would usually plan out where I was going to run before I hit the road, making a mental image on Google Earth as to where mile markers were on my course.  Any stray from that course would not allow my internal calculations to make much sense, plus manually logging a new course every time you are out can get tiring.  It was just easier to stick to the predetermined path.  Well, no more. Perhaps I can reach a little calculation-free running, clearing the mind more than normal.


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